Which antenna model do I select in SpatialExplorer or LiDARMill?
There's several steps in the lidar production workflow where it is necessary to specify an antenna model, either in SpatialExplorer and LiDARMill.
Selecting Reference Station Antenna Model
When importing reference station data into SpatialExplorer, or when uploading to LiDARMill, it's necessary to select the antenna model. Some antennas are calibrated by the NGS, and can be found here:
https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/. If your antenna is calibrated, you should be able to find it in the list provided by SpatialExplorer or LiDARMill. Note that SpatialExplorer often has diagrams depicting the antenna selected:
Antenna's Frequently used by Phoenix LiDAR Systems
The Tallysman HC977, a triple-band helix antenna, is not calibrated and should use the Generic antenna model:
The NovAtel 850 antenna is calibrated and should use the NOV850 antenna model:
The Stonex S900, a GNSS reference station commonly bundled with lidar system packages, is calibrated and should use the STXS900 antenna model:
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