Post Processing
Static Alignment vs Static Time
Static alignment and static time are two concepts that are frequently confused. Many lidar systems cannot statically align their gyroscopes, but all lidar systems still benefit from time spent statically at the beginning and end of a data ...
Utilizing Backup PLP files for Processing
It's common for hard shutdowns to corrupt important files, such as the PLP, KERNELSTART, and KERNELSTOP files. A hard shutdown refers to an improper shutdown, where the CPU on the lidar system is not able to complete it's normal shutdown process. ...
Can I use PPP for processing the rover GNSS data?
You can find some information about using PPP to refine the coordinates logged for a static reference station in NovAtel's support document Adding a Base Station. For more info on using PPP for processing the rover GNSS data, refer to NovAtel's An ...